Friday, September 26, 2014

10 Gorgeous Apps for the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Here are 10 apps that show off just what the iPhone 6 Plus can really do.
The iPhone 6 Plus is a huge change for Apple, and it's a huge change for app developers. iPhone developers have never needed to write for a 1080p screen before, so many third-party apps on the 6 Plus, for now, are simply magnified: bigger, not better.
Beyond mere size, though, the 6 Plus invites a different way of looking at apps. It's not just an iPhone Plus—it's an iPad mini-mini. Turn it sideways, and there's enough room for multiple panes of information like you have on a landscape-format iPad. Apple has encouraged app developers to take advantage of this, but few have yet.
It's early days for the iPhone 6 Plus, of course. The phone has been on sale for less than a week. But we know how eager you are, so we downloaded a whole bunch of apps and found 10 that say they show off the power of the Plus. Have you found more Plus-friendly apps? Add them to the comments below.

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