Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nokia W7 and W8 tipped as first Windows Phone models

If you can accept what we're about to tell you as rumor, and nothing more, then we'd like to let you in on the latest scuttlebutt surrounding Nokia's first dip into the shallow Windows Phone waters. Eldar Murtazin, the eternal Nokia antagonist, claims to have the inside scoop on Nokia's current Windows Phone device plans while getting an early hands-on with a prototype. Besides demonstrating a natural extension of the Nokia naming strategy to accommodate the new Windows Phone devices, Eldar tells us that model W7 is built around an X7 hardware base while the new W8 handset is a variant of Nokia's N8 cameraphone (conceptualized in the above pic). According to Eldar, all of Nokia's WP prototypes are built upon Qualcomm chipsets per Microsoft's requirement (and Nokia's dismay). The W7 model is currently being used in-house for development purposes and will likely be the first to market, according to Eldar, with an 8 megapixel autofocus camera and flash. Murtazin claims that the W7 reminded him of the HTC Mozart without any noticeable customizations to the OS. If neither of these models appeal to you, hold tight -- Eldar says that Nokia has a dozen Windows Phone devices planed for 2012. Of course, it's early days so any, or all of this might change before Nokia ships its first device later this year or early twenty-twelve. Imagine it: Nokia hardware slathered in Mango -- mmm mmm good.

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