Monday, April 4, 2011

ICND1 – Video Training #1

Over the past few months, we’ve been focusing on several of Cisco’s professional level certification examples. Interestingly, many of the viewers of these videos are working on their associate level certification. Based on all the feedback the viewer feedback, I think it would be well worth out time to take a step back and focus on some of the fundamentals of networking over the next few months. And we’re going to kick off that effort this month taking a look at some ICND1 content.

Even if you’re well beyond ICND1 content in your studies, I hope you’ll find my take on some of the content a nice review. But, more importantly, if you have friends or colleagues who are working on their CCNA certification (or even their CompTIA Network+ certification), please have them check out my posts over the next few weeks.
The first topic we’re going to address is the good ol’ OSI Model (yes… I can hear the groans now :-) ). But stick with me through the next few videos, and I promise to dissect the OSI Model in a way that almost everyone will gain something from it.

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