Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sony tears down Bloggie 3D, iFixit helps (video)

We all knew it would come to this, right? Tech corporations have apparently taken a cue from the blogosphere and started tearing down their own devices for all the world to see. Sony's in-house gadget site SGNL opened up the company's Bloggie 3D pocket camcorder, thankfully enlisting the supervision of Kyle Wiens, CEO of iFixit. But while he does seem genuinely intrigued at taking apart and explaining the way the 3D camera works, there's not much in the way of the depth we've come to expect from the site, and Sony manages to make the whole thing a not-so-subtle plug for a newish device. Now who wants to buy a disassembled camcorder? I hear Sony's selling one cheap. 

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